Children will work with Chef Danie to plant their very own mini herb garden. They will also start their own seedlings to take care of for the week of the class and to bring home to plant at the end of the week. They will plant basil, thyme, dill and mint. They will also start their very own vegetable seedling.
We will meet in the classroom and each day we will learn a new recipe using the fresh herbs we planted in the garden. Children will be able each day to eat what they prepare in class.
CLASS ONE- Tuesday – Planting Day - CHIVES
Menu - Chive and Cheese Biscuits w/ham and fruit
Chive, Chicken and Potato Soup
CLASS TWO – Wednesday – BASIL
Menu - Fresh Basil Marinara Sauce w/ meatballs
Basil Pesto , Pesto Veggie Pasta
Menu – Chicken and Dumplings with fresh thyme dumplings
Roast Chicken w/ Thyme
CLASS FOUR – – Friday – MINT and DILL
Menu – Mint Chocolate Brownies , Mint simple syrup
Making Quick Pickles with fresh dill
Chicken Gyros w/ cucumber sauce
Prep for Parent Meal
Feed The Parents Day at 1:00–
Schedule each day
9:00 - 10:30 - Morning Prep
10:30 - 10:40 - Morning Break
10:40 - 12:00 Making meal for lunch
12:00 - 12:30 - Lunch
12:30 - 1:00- Clean Up